A lot of families have stories about having a great grandmother or other ancestors who was a Native American. My family doesn't. And my DNA shows no Native American ancestry. But that doesn't mean they didn't have a part in the story. When one people colonizes another's land, pushes them out, and takes over their land, there are interactions to say the least. But my ancestors were settlers, not frontiersmen. They were immigrants, not colonists. They were farmers, not soldiers. But not in every case... The following are various bits and pieces that I've gathered over the years on my ancestors. It may seem a bit rambling and disconnected, but my hope is it helps the reader put Indian relationships with our family in perspective.I use the term "Indian", rather than "Native American", since I think that is what my ancestors would have called them. I think my brother still has a big old Indian doll that he collected on some family trip. And my dad...
This is a a way for me to share some of the photos I've found over the years, and also some of the research I've done on various families.I want this to be a collection of stories and photos, and not a family tree. Please leave a comment, even if just to say hi. I welcome discussion on any of these posts.