Well, it's been quite a ride. I started this just a few days ago thinking it would be interesting to learn a little bit about Pomerania, where Augusta Nipkow and her family came from. And I started writing Part 1 of this series not knowing what I would find. But since records are added at a rapid pace these days, there was more to be found than I realized. First off, although I believe that Augusta was born in Butow as was said, I did not any direct evidence of that. Nothing I found contradicts it though. Her parents moved around a lot, and they certainly left proof of that. And although her parents moved around a lot, her grandparents and extended family probably didn't. Working back, here's what I found: 1872 - Nipkows left from Stettin and settled in Jackson County Iowa 1872 - Nipkows lived in Hohengrape 1865 - Augusta born in Butow 1862 - Otto born in Klutzow 1858 - Parents, Friederich and Wilhelmina Huebner married in Klempin 1827 - Birth of Daniel Frederich...
This is a a way for me to share some of the photos I've found over the years, and also some of the research I've done on various families.I want this to be a collection of stories and photos, and not a family tree. Please leave a comment, even if just to say hi. I welcome discussion on any of these posts.