William Combs was my 3g grandfather. He has many descendants and the Combs name isn't uncommon. But his origins have always been a question for me and others. He was born in Pennsylvania ca.1789, married Barbara Baum in Ross county Ohio ca. 1808, lived in Crawford county, Ohio, Buchanan county, Missouri and Madison county, Iowa, where he died in 1872. It is common for people to trace him back to Job Combs of Shenandoah county, Virginia and Jefferson county, Tennessee. But I don't know what evidence there is for that. It seems reasonable. William claimed to have been born in Pennsylvania, not Virginia. But Shenandoah county was only 50 miles or so south of Pennsylvania, across the Maryland panhandle. Families were somewhat mobile. It is possible that Job Combs lived in Pennsylvania for a time, when William would have been born. But I haven't found evidence of Job Combs being in Pennsylvania. It is also possible that William was wrong about his birthplace. We really aren...
This is a a way for me to share some of the photos I've found over the years, and also some of the research I've done on various families.I want this to be a collection of stories and photos, and not a family tree. Please leave a comment, even if just to say hi. I welcome discussion on any of these posts.